M.Sc. Gregor Lauer-Dünkelberg

Potsdam University

Gregor Lauer-Dünkelberg is a PhD student in the International Research Training Group "StRATEGy" and a staff member of the Geology working group at the Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam. He holds a M.Sc. degree in geology from the University of Potsdam, where he studied the great [M ≈ 8] Mongolian earthquakes of 1905, focusing on their paleoseismological record and associated recurrence intervals.

During his PhD project, he focuses on fault scarps and attempt the identification of regional deformation phenomena on the Andean Plateau (Puna), an area proposed to be seismically inactive, but densely covered with signs of active deformation. Studying fault scarps and morphotectonic markers of the area with paleoseismological and tectono-geomorphic techniques will bridge the gap between seismogenic deformation on shorter and longer time scales.

As such the results will help to decide, where shortening across the Andean orogen is accommodated and how the tectonic activity has evolved over time.